DHC Blog

Changing the Health of Kilcoy – Session 11

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I thought I would share with you what happens towards the end of the Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program. The results are amazing so I am always excited sharing with people what can be achieved. Keep in mind that this change has happened becuase paricipants have discovered a way of life that is more exciting than what they were doing before. It means that the change has just become a lifestyle change.

In session 11 people realise what they have achieved. There is excitement about the fact that there have been so many positive and hard to believe changes. At this time people are also starting to prepare for the exciting day when they begin to eat. At this stage a person undergoing the program will be learning to eat. Everything that goes into the mouth will be a first time taste experience. It is from this clean slate that people launch into their brand new lifestyle, one that will aid their health for a lifetime.

The short video below is from the “Changing the Health of Kilcoy program” where some of the participants share their thoughts on what they thought about session 11.


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About the Author:

Peter Pratt is the founder of the Diabetic Health Clinic. It is through his experience of overcoming type 2 diabetes himself that he has developed this web site, the Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program and has helped many people overcome the disease. Because the underlying issue for many other modern day diseases is lifestyle, the DHC program is utilised by not only type 2 diabetics but also by many people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle so that they can achieve the best possible short and long term health outcomes.

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