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Carnivore diet of meat and little else gains traction but health experts urge caution?

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I get up this morning just to find this interesting story on the ABC. Apparently now that “Carnivore Diet” is a thing. It is sweeping social media and the followers of this diet claim that they have some fantastic health benefits like reduced inflammation. Really?

The New Carnivore Diet! A Miracle Diet?

Here is the link to the story. Read it its fascinating:


Just checkout what this doctor claims.

“Dr Baker is in his 50s and attributes the zero-carb, high-protein diet for overcoming joint pain and tendinitis, improving his sleep, normalising blood pressure and returning his libido to what it was in his 20s.”

Wow what a great result, a result that we have seen at the Diabetic Health Clinic over and over again the very minute people drop “Factory Assembled Foods”.

So does the Carnivore Diet Work?

You bet it does. Are you shocked? Well don’t be. Here is a question that you may want to think about. What do you think happens when a person eliminates factory assembled foods and replaces all the mono nutrients with animal non processed animal products?

At a guess I would suggest that the proponents of this diet are just dropping all the foods that contain the mono nutrients and because sugar is one of the most acidic substances that we eat dropping it relieves the inflammatory diseases and conditions like joint pain, tendinitis, poor quality sleep, blood pressure and even a failing libido.

The question that one should ask is do you want to reduce all of these conditions while ramping up the possibility of ending up with condition caused by such a large consumption of animal products. The World Health Organisation has put out this communiqué so should not we be taking some notice if it?

Before embarking on this new wonder diet you may eat to familiarise yourself with this Q&A page from the “World Health Organisation” in regards to the consumption of meats:



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About the Author:

Peter Pratt is the founder of the Diabetic Health Clinic. It is through his experience of overcoming type 2 diabetes himself that he has developed this web site, the Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program and has helped many people overcome the disease. Because the underlying issue for many other modern day diseases is lifestyle, the DHC program is utilised by not only type 2 diabetics but also by many people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle so that they can achieve the best possible short and long term health outcomes.

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