Your chance to become healthy

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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter 22/9/2015

Your chance to become healthy


healthy-life-next exitFirstly this week we would like to mention  that we are now getting to the point where it is your last chance to join our brand new conference call / online program. It starts:

This Wednesday the 23rd of September ate 7.30 pm Brisbane or Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Click on this link to find out more or to register!

This is our most popular style of program as you can attend from anywhere. All you need if a phone and a computer. It means that you can attend our whole program without leaving home or even if you are on the road. Many people prefer this program as it is easy to fit into a busy schedule.

The question we want to ask this week is what does being healthy involve? Most people think that being healthy means that they have to exercise or that they have to avoid eating cakes and take aways. Whilst this is true it can also be very misleading. Let us explain.

Let’s say that you had some poison ivy growing in your back yard and you kept touching it. When you touch it you of course are effected by the terrible rash that follows the behaviour of touching the poison ivy!

The question now is should you minimise touching the poison ivy or should you discontinue touching the poison ivy altogether?

Today we are told to minimise eating unhealthy foods. This approach is illogical as with each meal of processed foods we are actually damaging our health, putting massive stress on our metabolic system and flooding our body with unnatural amounts or the most dangerous type of sugar in an unnaturally short space of time. This leads to weight gain which in turn is linked with conditions like type 2 diabetes, it injures our blood vessels, causes inflammation and is highly addictive which means that we want more.

In this context maybe touching the poison ivy would actually be a better option!

The question is how do you get to a point where you no longer enjoy, have any interest, and where you simply cannot imagine having processed foods? This is where the Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program can help. This is a very effective program that you will enjoy. Just be warned, it will change your life.

If you want to see just how effective the program is then click this link.

This week we added the following items to our web site:


New Research:

New Friend:

Info Graphic:

Kind Regards

Joanne & Peter Pratt.

PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider.

Newsletter No. 122 – 21/9/2015  

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