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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 1/6/2015


Krispy_Kreme_DonutsA little while ago we received an email from someone who has completed the Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program. It was a description of the ingredients that are used to make a Krispy Kreme Doughnut. When we started reading the email we thought, could this be for real? Is it possible that this delicacy is just a chemical concoction that is even hard to imagine.

After pondering this question for a little while we thought we would investigate ourselves. To our shock and horror, after finding the official ingredient list on the Krispy Kreme web site we discovered that the email we received was spot on. We have taken the time and put together an editorial so that you can have a read of how we are being tricked when it comes to foods. We understand that nobody expects a doughnut to be healthy, but does anybody expect that their doughnut contains harsh and toxic chemicals?

toxic_signBelow you will find a link to the new editorial. Take the time to read it will highlight to you once again that almost any food that comes out of a food factory is detrimental to our health. On the other hand there are foods which are not only healthy but they can help you overcome many lifestyle diseases, prolong your life and improve the quality of life. How do they do this? These are foods that give your body the appropriate nutrition without the dangers of processed ingredients like sugar. The nutrition that your body uses from these types of food allows many repair processes. The question needs to be asked, is it possible, in our modern day society to eat this way?

If you are sick and tired of seeing your health situation deteriorate. If you are sick and tired of having low energy. If you would like to get to a situation where you give yourself the best possible chance of your doctor taking you off blood sugar lowering medications amongst an array of other pills that treat lifestyle diseases, and if you live on the Sunshine Coast or North Brisbane then why not join our brand new program that will be run at Landsborough and commences on Sunday the 21st of June at 6.30pm.

The program will enable you to change your lifestyle to one that will help you become healthy once again. Don’t miss out.

Click here to register for this free community program.

This week we added the following items to our web site:

Krispy Kreme doughnuts, do you love them? Well you should see what they are made from. You will be shocked!
Click here to read our latest editorial where we share with you the chemical concoction that these treats are made from.

Program Testimonial
Do ever think about how much food is effecting your health? Then you need to read Jim’s story.
Click this link to read this most amazing testimonial.

New Recipes
Delectable Carrot Dip.
This is a carrot based dip that super tasty and easy to make. Made by Julie the Diabetic Health Clinic Nutritionist it is also good for you.
Click this link to get the recipe for this irresistible dip.

So you think you have no time for healthy eating?
Click here to see what you are going to have to find time for.


Joanne & Peter.

PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider.

Newsletter No. 106  – 1/6/2015

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