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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 27/10/2014

Last week we launched our “Falling off the wagon research project.” If you have ever made a lifestyle change of any sort and then your “fell off the wagon” we need your feedback. It will take 5 minutes to complete but you will be a part of a very interesting piece of research. Click here to complete the “Falling off the wagon” questionnaire. 

Although it is really early days and we have no doubt that as time goes on and we start to analyze and dissect the data we will discover many interesting fact about why it is that people discontinue with something that is good for them, however at this stage there is no doubt that the predominant reason why people fall off the wagon goes back to how they think at that point in time. There is an old saying “if you think you can you can, and if you think you can’t you can’t.”Think about it logically. In the end when it comes to what we eat the we have total control over what goes in. In the end the hand that puts the food in the mouth is attached to us. Secondly what could be easier? If you are thinking the right way, you just simply say no, or no I won’t have this but I will have this instead.

How we think is the basis of everything that we do and from the responses so far there is no doubt whatsoever that a faltering in our thought processes plays a big part in “falling off the wagon”.
This raises some very interesting questions. Based on the research into addictiveness of sugar there is no doubt that this issue plays a big role in the way that people think. If sugar as the research is suggesting is addictive couldn’t we in fact compare someone that is addicted to sugar to someone who is hooded on any other substance? It would be like a smoker saying I am going to quit but then they find it is to difficult to change their habits. This happens because the body craves the substance. As long as the addiction is there the thought processes regarding quitting are always impaired. If this is the case the only way around the problem is to break the bodies desire for a substance. 
Here is another question, what about the people that do break the addiction but return back to it? Next week we will have a closer look at this question.

This week we added the following items to our web site.

Breaking News
A new study shows that women who lead a healthy lifestyle reduce their gestational diabetes risk by 52% The study defines a healthy lifestyle as a good diet, appropriate exercise and not smoking. 
Click this link to read about this study.

New Movie
Healing Chronic Diseases.
Dr Mark Hyman speaks about how to easily treat, reverse and eliminate most chronic diseases. It is so easy it might surprise you.
Click on this link to watch this interview.


Cucumbers, we all know they are good for us but do you know why?
Click here to find out.

Newsletter No. 75 – 27/10/2014

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