The reasons why everyone should juice

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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter 02/11/2015

The reasons why everyone should juice

This week we are having a look a juicing. As we travel around Australia it is amazing to see how many juice bars have popped up in almost every area. Juicing is gaining popularity but what is it all about? Then there is the nutribullet. It seems that almost everyone has one, but is there a difference and whats better anyway.

Lets demystify some of these questions.

Firstly juicing increases your nutritional intake. A juice that replaces a meal for men will generally be about 750ml and for ladies around 500ml. To make that amount of juice a large number of vegetables needs to be used. As a matter of fact, it is so much that nobody would be able to fit all those veggies in during one sitting.  We estimate that often one juice contains more veggies than the average person eats in a week. Whilst it s impossible to to eat such big volumes it is quite easy to concentrate the nutrition into a juice and drink it down.

This brings us to the next point. Juicing removes the fibre. Whist fibre is an important part of a persons diet as it keeps the digestive system active and also sweeps it cleans on the way through, most doctors are very happy for their patients to do some juicing. It is actually a good thing to rest the digestive system once in a while. A nutribullet does not extract the fibre. It is essentially a blender and all of the elements of a food are retained including fibre. Ultimately the amount you consume is the same as if you were eating the food so there is no increase in nutritional intake.

This now leads us to the question of which juicing method is better? There are two, the most common because the machines are cheaper are the centrifugal juicers. They are usually loud but also very quick. Secondly there are masticating juicers, more commonly know as cold press juicers. These are considered a better option because the juice retains more nutrients as fruits and vegetables aren’t shredded with blades, which exposes the produce to air and speeds up oxidation.

You also get more juice from your produce. A centrifugal juicer doesn’t extract as much juice gram per gram, and therefore using a masticating model can save you money on produce. When using a masticating model, the juice you end up with retains more pulp. Because of this, pressed juices have more fiber and even a little protein.

There is one rule in juicing. Limit the fruit. Whilst fruit can be very tasty it also contains high levels of sugars. It may be natural but it is still not a good idea to overeat even natural sugars. The rule is to ensure that no more than 20% of any juice is fruit. Many people like to keep the fruit intake down to about 10% of their juice.

For our diabetic health clinic members we have made the Kuvings cold press juicer available at a discounted price. By logging into the members page or by clicking on the picture of the Kuving juicer our members can have a look at how the juicer works and even purchase one at a price that is only available to Diabetic Health Clinic members.

If health is important to you then certainly juicing can be an important addition to your diet.

Happy Juicing!

This week we added the following items to our web site:

New Video:
What can a lifestyle change do? This is a very powerful short video of people who have made the change to a non processed food diet. If you have thought about changing your life and health, you need to click here now and watch the video

New Research:
Researchers say that treating type 2 diabetes with insulin earlier could help save your pancreas.

Do your children need help? Click here to find out!

Kind Regards

Joanne & Peter Pratt.

PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider.

Newsletter No. 128 – 2/11/2015  

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