Obesity rates in Australia keep rising new report shows


Obese Man with ChipsA new national survey shows that even though drinking and smoking in Australia is declining obesity rates are increasing.

A large number, about 19,000 Australians took part in the 2015-2014 National Survey.

The survey reported that currently 63.4 per cent of australians are either overweight or obese. Alarmingly now 1 in 4 children aged 5 to 17 are now overweight or obese.

Louise Gates from the Australian Bureau of statistics has said that 15% of australians do not exercise at all whilst 29.7 are not exercising enough.

She also said that Australians are still not eating enough fruit and vegetables with only one in 20 adults and children meeting the recommended daily guidelines.

That is a tragic statistic as the war on sugar is obviously failing. The eradication of factory made foods and the consumption of non processed foods is considered the healthiest way to eat, the issue is that the majority of our foods are now processed, they are everywhere and even if people wanted to change their lifestyle they just can’t see how.

The return to a only natural diet would also mean that obesity rates would most likely drastically fall.

To see this story as reported by the Australian ABC click here