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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 4/8/2014


Greetings Peter,Last week we shared with you some interesting data on weight loss.  Weight loss is often associated with lower blood sugar levels and lets face it, the closer you are to you natural body weight the better off you are as far as health outcomes go.The figures from last week were:1. 80% or less compliance to a non processed food diet = weight gain.
2. 80% or higher compliance to a non processed food diet = no weight change.
3. 100% compliance to a non processed food diet = weight loss.How can this be? Although there is very limited data in this area, we do know one thing, and that is that when a processed food is consumed it will most likely spike the blood sugar levels. There is also one other thing that must be taken into account. If the blood sugar levels are spiked with a whole food the metabolic system understands the food that has been consumed, if however the spike is because of a processed food it is most likely a very different story.Processed foods consist of mono nutrients. A mono nutrient is something that has may have started growing on a bit of land but by the time it has been harvested, taken to a factory and gone through a process where one nutrient has been extracted, it no longer resembles what it came from. All the other complex qualities of the original food have been striped away and now we are left with something that is usually white in colour.  Some good examples of mono nutrients are, sugar, white flour, white rice and the most dangerous of all is high fructose corn syrup. HFCS has taken processing to a new level. This stuff is actually clear.

Once a collection of these ingredients is ingested, for example a breakfast cereal with iodised salt, & sugar added to it, you have a food which is not natural and now the body struggles to figure it out.

We are now hearing that a calorie is not a calorie. This stems from exactly what we are talking about here. If you consume a soft drink you are ingesting a large amount of processed carbs, in other words sugar! This massive dumping of processed food pushes your metabolic system into a process where it now needs to deal with the situation, as a part of that process the toxin, or the sugar, because it is excessive is neutralised by the body storing it in fat cells. If it were a natural food it would metabolise at a much slower rate and the sugar release would be much more controlled. You see in nature it is hard to spike sugar levels in the way that processed food does.

The question now is, after ingesting processed food, how bad is the disruption to the metabolic system? From our observations it seems that this may actually be enough to put a stop to weight loss and may even hold the blood sugar levels higher for a longer period of time. It may also do things like contribute to insulin insensitivity. 

Although data is limited on this hypothesis, and a lot of what you have just read has not been studied in detail, there is no doubt about the following facts.

  1. Eating processed foods is bad for your health.
  2. Eating whole foods is good for your health.

Given that most people are trying to loose weight and even normalise their sugar levels, there is no doubt that the total elimination of all processed foods is the safest thing that a person can do. As a matter of fact if you ask your health professional the following you will get the picture.

  1. Is it possible that processed foods or ingredients can be detrimental to my health?
  2. If I eat only non processed foods can it hurt my health?

This week we added the following to our web site.

Read what John Holst has to say about the DHC Lifestyle Program! The loss of weight & health outcomes are unbelievable, but then so is disease. If you want to change your weight, the way you feel and your health outcomes click here to read this amazing testimonial. You will also you will be able to check if you will benefit from attending the Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program.

Breaking News
One injection of FGF1 normalises BSL’s in diabetic mice.
This new drug has been discovered by accident. Although it is promising we still ask the question, do we need to fight lifestyle disease with drugs, or would it be better to have a lifestyle which is conducive to eliminating lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes?
Click here to read about this fascinating accidental discovery.

New Friends
DrugWatch – Helping Consumers Affected by Dangerous Drugs & Medical Devices.
Click here to visit the DrugWatch website.

Why is our packaging dangerous?
Click here to find out!


Joanne & Peter.

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Newsletter No. 63 –  4/8/2014

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