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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 19/5/2014

This week we thought we would clarify one of the major confusing issues when it comes to what we eat. So often we hear that carbs are bad, but are they really?  Over the years carbs have had a really bad wrap. It seems that often when we read about diet we often read about minimising carbs. There are even plenty of low carb diets which so many people have embarked on. The question is, should we be eating carbs?Lets just have a look at the types of carbs that are available. There are two types.

  1. Simple carbs
  2. Complex carbs
Now lets demystify the whole carb story.  Simple carbs are foods that once started of as a plant food. The food has been bought into a factory and has been processed. This includes things like white floor or sugar amongst a plethora of processed ingredients. Often these ingredients with their original natural goodness stripped away are mixed together to make the packaged foods that are so prominent on our supermarket shelves. The issue with these types of carbs, or simple carbs is that after they are ingested they are metabolised into sugar in a very short period of time, often just minutes. This elevates sugar levels and our body has no choice but to store the excessive load of sugar as fat. Foods containing simple carbs are called high GI foods.On the other hand complex carbs come in the form of unprocessed foods.  These include foods like nuts, vegetables and even fruits. Because these foods are in their original form without any processing once they are ingested it takes out body much longer to metabolise into sugars. This means that sugar levels do not elevate quickly, and the sugar levels elevate in a controlled way allowing the body to utilise this energy without having to store it as fat.  There is also another benefit, and that is all the nutrition that these natural foods provide. Foods that contain complex carbs are called low GI foods.So the bottom line is that there are good crabs and bad carbs and as long we are consuming the good carbs or the complex carbs there are no issues. As a matter of fact carbs are an important component of a healthy balanced diet and it is important to consume carbs. The important thing is to consume the right type of carbs. Think about it, eating things like nuts, vegetables and even fruits is the healthiest food that you can eat!

This week we added the following to our web site:Testimonial
Neville Hay shares the amazing changes that he has been able to achieve.
Click through to read his testimonial.
New Recipes
1. Winter Favourite Soup.
This is a soup that hits the taste buds with the wow factor. Based on lentils with many other whole foods added it is the healthy way to have a warm satisfying meal. 

2.Raw Chocolate Mousse.
For the chocolate lovers this is an unbelievable dish. Made from whole foods only, containing what are described as super foods this is nothing but good for you. If you want something really special then Click this link to get the recipe.

Breaking News
Generic blood glucose test strip are coming.
Click through to read the story.

Three Reasons Why Processed Foods Were Invented:
Click through to find out.

Regards,Joanne & Peter.

PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider.

Newsletter No. 52-  19/5/2014

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