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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 10/3/2014


 The battle to find a cure for type 2 diabetes continues. This week researchers released findings from a study that has been underway for quite some time. It has been found that a gene mutation could protect people from type 2 diabetes. Researchers are already thinking about a drug that if made could replicate a gene that will protect people from the disease. There is no doubt that there is a significant portion of the population that have a genetic predisposition that makes them vulnerable to the disease.

 On the other hand, many researchers believe that even if someone has the gene that puts them at risk of type 2 diabetes, the gene has to be activated. It is now believed that the way that this gene is activated is by leading a lifestyle that pulls the trigger.  The question is, what is it the pulls this trigger?

 From the studies that have been carried out, and that have been published it is the consumption of processed foods that pulls the trigger and sends people down the path of having to deal with metabolic syndrome and ultimately type 2 diabetes.

 The answer to ensuring that the disease is kept at bay is simply not to indulge in processed foods which produce a hefty sugar hit each time they are ingested. It is these foods that when ingested meal after meal, day after day, year after year that eventually pulls the metabolic trigger which ultimately ends up as fully blown diabetes. It has also now been shown that even people who do not have the gene, if they continue to abuse their metabolic system by providing a sugar hit at every meal, the constant abuse may send them down exactly the same path.

 The equation is simple. Today the average sugar consumption is 26 teaspoons of sugar per day, most of which is hidden sugar in our supermarket processed foods. Our body requires about 6 teaspoons of sugar per day which is required to supply energy. Sugar that is derived from a whole foods plant based diet is safe and eating such a diet will supply the appropriate amount of non addictive sugar which the body needs for energy. Thinking about this issue logically the consumption of a natural diet limits sugar to the appropriate amount so that even people that have the “diabetes gene” remain disease free.

 It is also a known fact that even for people that do have the disease a change to a whole foods plant based diet means that their disease is put into a state of remission.

 The question is do you want to be healthy? If you do then a change in lifestyle is the answer. The drugs may be helpful for people that do not make this change. It is also well documeneted that each drug brings with is side effects and in the end drugs do not change the underlying problem which is the overconsumption of processed sugar.

 The Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program allows people to make the change to a whole foods plant based diet comfortable, exciting and tasty. It is a lifelong change which ensures that type 2 diabetes is kept at bay.

Breaking News

Breaking News:

Researchers discover that a gene mutation could protect against type 2 diabetes.

Click through too read the story & to watch a VOA news report on this discovery.

New Recipes

1. Spinach Smoothie.

Get all the benefits of spinach by enjoying this smoothie.

Click this link to get your recipe.

2. Raw Quinoa Porridge.

Made from what is now known a the super-grain this breakfast is a super start to your day. Not only is it just good for you, it is most likely the healthiest start you can have for your day.

Click this link to get the recipe.

 New Movie

What if animals ate fast food?

As funny as this short clip is it points out clearly why we are in the grips of an obesity epidemic. Just think what the animal kingdom would look like if they ate our foods.

Follow this link to see this film clip.


More Reasons To Eat Your Veggies

Follow this link to find out why.


Joanne & Peter.

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Newsletter No. 44 –  10/3/2014
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