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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 20/1/2014



Well it had to happen sooner or later! You may have noticed this week on our social media posts announced the first shots have been fired in a new war. We have now come to a stage where prominent researchers and doctors are hitting the alarm button in regards to processed sugar. For a long time the food industry has been loading our foods with sugar, to the point where consumption has gone through the roof.

 Lets have a look at some facts based on research.

 1. Sugar can be addictive.

2. Processed sugar is detrimental to our health.

3. The oversupply of energy that processed sugar provides is stored by our body as fat.

4. This oversupply of sugar is detrimental to our health and in some people will trigger diseases like type 2 diabetes.

4. The safest way to consume the daily required amount of sugar is through unprocessed whole foods.

 Make no mistake about it. If you thought the tobacco industry has put up a battle, just watch what the food industry is likely to do.  There is now enough evidence that we should say enough is enough. Believe it or not we are hearing things from the food industry like “there is no evidence” just like we heard from the tobacco industry.  This time however the battle will be much more severe. The food industry is much larger than the tobacco industry ever was and they have much, much, much more money to try and defend their case. We can only hope that common sense prevails and that these harmful ingredients are removed from our modern day foods. After all why should people get sick and die because some industry just wants to make more money?

 A great place to start understanding why a return to a whole foods plant based diet is so important is to visit the Diet area of the Diabetic Health Clinic Research Institute.

 This week we added the following items to our website. The new movie is a perfect example of how the food industry is exploiting people for their own gain.

New Movie

Globesity – Fat’s New Frontier.

The world is getting fatter than ever. This documentary explains the reasons why. It’s all about our modern day foods. There are also shocking revelations of… how food companies are exploiting developing countries.

Click through to see this must watch documentary.

New Recipes

Mango Salad.

This sensational salad is easy to make and irresistibly tasty. It is sure to become a favorite. Best of all with a low GI mangoes are the perfect fruit for a diabetic.

Click this link to get your recipe and to read about the health benefits.


Follow this link to find out how to make this great whole foods snack in a way that makes it diabetic friendly. 


We are witnessing the start of a brand new war. The war on sugar.

Follow this link  to see how the shots are being fired.


A common question is how on earth can I get calcium when I am eating plant based foods?

Follow this link Check out our info-graphic for this week. It will show you how to get plenty of calcium.


 Joanne & Peter.

 PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider.


Newsletter No. 37 –  20/1/2014
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