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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter 6/7/2015 Is eating in moderation healthy or is it killing you?


How may times have you heard that when it comes to food, moderation is the key? We think it is now high time we had a look at this question. Is it true? Can you imagine if it is not true, and people are being sold a lie? If this were the case how many people have compromised their health because of misinformation and if in fact it were the case that moderation was a fallacy, who take responsibility? These are all very good questions, but are we on the right track?
eat_me_in_moderationFirstly one must ask the question as to where this idea has come from. Everyone seems to agree, everything in moderation, but has this thinking got any scientific basis? After a quick search on Google Scholar it appears that there is no scientific basis to this idea, apart from the fact if less bad foods are consumed it has to be more healthy, just like smoking less cigarettes is more healthy than smoking more. The question is who on earth is really pushing this theory? After trawling through quite a bit of material it dawned on us that this is the line that the processed food industry uses, in an effort to make foods which a detrimental to a persons health sound safe and therefore the sales continue! A really good example of this is an interview with James Quincy the European Coca-Cola President. It is worthwhile having a look at this interview and you can view it by clicking here. When you watch this short video you will see just how the food industry is trying to hoodwink us. Now let’s have a look at some facts.
  1. It has now been shown that calories are not just calories. Calories that come from complex carbs, in other words whole foods do not spike insulin levels the same way that simple carbs do. It is this constant spiking that ultimately causes metabolic issues, including type 2 diabetes, obesity and other lifestyle diseases.
  2. There is now sufficient data to show that sugar, or simple carbs that break down into sugars quickly after ingestion are substances which are very addictive. These substances are now being compared by researchers to the addictiveness of cocaine. If this is the case then the food companies are playing exactly the same game that the tobacco companies have played for years.
  3. This week we published a story in our breaking news area, about researchers that are now saying that any amount of added sugars are bad. Have a look below for this fascinating story. You can’t be more blunt than that.
  4. Governments are now realising what the problem is and are slowly doing things to try and minimise the impact of these health destroying foods. In Australia junk food cannot be advertised in children’s viewing time. In New York supersize drinks are now banned.

Taking all of this into account it is most likely that people can’t stop eating these foods, and eating in moderation in this setting will not work. Maybe that is why the food companies keep pushing this idea. Let’s face it, who eats this stuff in moderation? Once you start you can’t stop!

There is a really simple solution to all of these questions. As this war on sugar is starting explode there will be many claims and counter claims all while there is no doubt that when a person leaves the factory assembled foods behind good health flourishes. It is not just a case of moderation, it is a case of elimination, and it is not hard to do. If you want to see just how powerful a lifestyle change of this nature can be then click here.

It is important to remember that food can either be the quickest medicine or the slowest poison. 

This week we added the following items to our web site:

Breaking News
Experts are now saying that any added sugar is bad sugar. Click through to read this story and to find out how the sure way of staying healthy.
Click here to see this eye opening story.

New Recipe
Another mouthwatering and satisfying whole foods diabetic friendly recipe from Julie Mironowicz, Diabetic Health Clinic’s Nutritionist.
Click here now to get the recipe for this sensational dish that delivers some serious health benefits.
It can be very confusing understanding which oils and fats are good and which ones are not. Do you know which ones are good for you?
Click here find out.


Kind Regards,

Joanne & Peter.

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Newsletter No. 111 – 6/7/2015 Follow the Diabetic Health Clinic on Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Linkedin | Pinterest

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