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  Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 2/2/2015


Can you believe that it is already February? How time marches on. Just a quick reminder before we get into our newsletter. Don’t forget the North Brisbane Lifestyle Program which will be run at Dakabin and will be starting on Sunday the 15th of February. This is a free community program so if you have been wanting to change your lifestyle to one that will give you the best possible health outcomes here is your opportunity.

To attend you must register. You can register by following this link

As kids most of us loved hide & seek. It is a adventure game and I have no doubt that at some stage all of us played this classic favourite. Did you know that the food industry is playing the same game every day. Labels are confusing and hard to read. The way that the labels are printed nowadays, to even have a chance of reading them you almost need to have super eyes. The question needs to be asked why would they do this? Is there something they are trying to hide?Sugar today is just one of the ingredients that is being hidden in almost every food. The volumes added and hidden in foods are mind boggling. This stuff is everywhere and it is now really well understood that excessive sugar consumption, that is anything over 6 teaspoons a day is stored as fat in our body.

Most people will say at this point, it is all good, I don’t even use sugar in my coffee. I am not having to much sugar at all.

Is it all good? Lets see how sugar is hidden in your factory made food. Carbohydrates or more commonly carbs is a massively misunderstood name. Did you know that sugar is a carbohydrate? Did you know that things like Pasta is also a carbohydrate? So how can the two be the same? The answer to this question is very simple. Upon eating everything eventually turns into sugar. The question is how quickly. Lets use white bread as an example. Upon consumption it takes just 4 minutes to metabolise into sugar. Yes just 4 minutes. Essentially it is the same as eating refined sugar. 

Here is the rule of thumb, if it is made in a factory it most likely metabolises very quickly, these foods are called simple carbs. On top of all of this, there is also plenty of refined sugar added to most foods nowadays including high fructose corn syrup. This is happening to the point where now the average person is consuming 26 teaspoons of sugar per day. That is an oversupply of 20 teaspoons a day most of which goes straight into storage as fat. No wonder we have an obesity epidemic and a diabetes catastrophe.

When it comes natural foods this problem does not exist. The rule is if it grows on a tree or in the ground and it hasn’t been through a food factory it is just fine.

This week we added the following items to our web site:

New Recipes
Coconut Choc Cookies – 100% Diabetic Friendly Recipe.
Everyone like a chocolate cookie but the question is, is there such a thing a a healthy chocolate cookie? Made from unprocessed whole foods this a a cookie that you will enjoy and get many health benefits from. 
Click this link to get your recipe.

New Movie
The Crazy Amount Of Sugar Hiding In Random Foods.
Watch this 1 minute & 11 sec video and be shocked when you see just where sugar is hiding. No wonder we have the obesity epidemic and we are getting sick!
Click here to watch this interesting clip now.

If someone starts eating organic how long before pesticide levels in the body are reduced?
Click here to find out.


Joanne & Peter.

PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider. 

Newsletter No. 89 – 2/2/2015

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