Hemp Smoothie

Yes this smoothie contains hemp seeds.

Although hemp seeds are not sold for human consumption in just a handful of countries like Australia, the rest of the world has this wonderful food available. When you see the health benefits you will wonder why some countries still resist having hemp seeds available for everyone to consume.  

Here are just some of the health benefits:

  • Helps control sugar levels. Hemp seed contain a high quality lean protein that does not spike sugar levels.
  • Improves digestion. Hemp seeds are very easily digested so your digestive system does not have to work hard to extract nutrients.
  • Improves weight loss. Hemp seeds will keep you satisfied for hours and they help to remove the hunger cravings.
  • More energy. Hemp seeds provide a long lasting steady energy.
  • Improves cholesterol levels. Hemp seeds are not only cholesterol free, but contain the optimum ratio of the
  • Lowers cholesterol. Hemp seeds contain polyunsaturated essential fatty acids, Omega 3 and 6 – hemp oil contains 57% linoleic (LA) and 19% linolenic (LNA) acids. When added to the diet, hemp seeds improve cholesterol profiles. Hemp oil also contains some GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) that is absent from the fats we normally eat, but considered to be beneficial to health by nutritional experts.

Appart from all the health benefits this is a smoothie that you will enjoy, it is great to have in the morning as it will provide you with energy and satisfaction until lunch. Enjoy the taste and the goodness.


  1. 1 banana
  2. 1 pear
  3. 2 dates
  4. ¼ cup of hemp seeds
  5. ¼ cup of raw almonds
  6. ¼ cup of oat bran
  7. 1 rib of celery
  8. 1 cup of organic coconut water to be adjusted for required consistency


Add all ingredients into a powerful blender and blend until a smooth consistency is achieved.  If the smoothie is to thick add more coconut water and blend again.

This recipe makes two standard servings