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  Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 26/1/2015


If you reside in Australia the 26th of January is a special day. This is the day where the nation celebrates what it has  become. Australia day is a day where the great Aussie barbie is in full swing. For many people Australia Day is all about eating, drinking and being merry.Australia Day also marks for most people the end of the festive season. It also marks the end of the holiday season and the start of a brand new working year. Monday the 27th of January 2015 is for most people the back to the grind day. At this point we would like to share a few thoughts with you. The festive season is so important as we spend time with our families, we relax, unwind from the daily grind of work, we regain energy and hopefully by the time we are ready to tackle the new year we are on top of the world and ready to do some amazing things. There is a question that  we would like to ask you to have a think about, after the festive season is you health any better off?For many people the festive season means that they have put on a kilos of pounds and now the job is to shake the extra weight. Our question is why do we put it on in the first place? Then there are the new year resolutions. That was about 4 weeks ago now and if you had a resolution, now is a great time to make an assessment if you have put things into place to move forward with your decision.

Here is another question. What would it mean to you if you could change your lifestyle to one that ensured you were healthy? What if you had a lifestyle that ensured your weight was healthy and chronic diseases were kept at bay? Even if you did have a chronic disease like type 2 diabetes what if there was a possibility of reversing the disease?

If you are reading this newsletter and you would like to make 2015 a game changer as far as your health goes and if you reside in the North Brisbane area do not miss our free community program commencing on Sunday the 8th of February at 6.30 p.m.

This week we added the following items to our web site:

New Recipes
Diabetic Friendly Smoothie Recipe.
Mango & Banana Nut Smoothie:
Enjoy the great taste of a mango in a smoothie that will satisfy you for hours.
Click this link to get your recipe.

New Movie
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is a doctor and researcher who has specialised in understanding how to reverse cardio vascular disease. The same recommendations reverse most other chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes.
Click here to watch this fascinating short talk to learn how to avoid chronic modern day diseases.

One really good reason not to eat junk food.
Click here to find out.


Joanne & Peter.

Newsletter No. 88 – 26/1/2015

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