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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter – 24/11/2014


Over the last handful of weeks we have covered some interesting ground. We have had a look at all the the potential challenges and questions that someone would face if they are eating a non-processed food diet. Last week we shared with how to answer the question “what on earth do you eat?” The answer is simple enough and at the time when you deliver it it makes perfect sense to the listener. How can “I eat all the foods that people used to eat before the first food was ever invented” not make sense, right? Most people when they hear this answer will think about it and not ask any more questions however there are some people who will continue with some followup up questions. The most common one being “doesn’t that mean that you are very limited with what you can eat?”

The answer to this question is an interesting one. There are many ways of looking at this question. Let’s have a go a unpacking it. Firstly it is important to understand where this question comes from. If the person you are talking to, is holding a bowl of potato chips and you are saying that you don’t eat these then obviously you will be perceived as limiting your food options, hence the question often appears to be a question that is difficult to answer in a positive way.

Let us make one thing very clear. There is no no doubt that chronic diseases are caused by the food that people ingest. Just this week Queensland Health released a report which presents an absolutely shocking and unbelievable statistic. 25% of all Queensland deaths are now linked to weight. Can you believe this? With over 60% of all Australian now overweight or obese this is a statistic that is sadly set to just get worse. The first thing to keep in mind when answering this question is to understand just how damaging those potato chips are. The trick however is to provide a positive answer.

A great place to start is to agree with the person asking. It is always good to start by saying, yes it may appear as though my choices are limited, then follow up with a hook that will keep them asking, as a matter of fact it is quite the opposite, I have found that it opens up a whole new world. A world that previously I did not know existed.

Obviously at this point the interest will be so high that in most cases you will get permission to keep explaining. You might hear a question like, how do you mean?

At this point it is very important to broaden the listeners horizon. You can ask something like how many types of chips can you buy?  The answer may be 30 or 40 or 50. Whatever the number is you can say I now find this a very limited choice. You see if I go and and purchase all the different non processed whole foods the amount of recipes that can be made is virtually never ending, there are different tastes, different textures and different aromas, when you start mixing these foods it would take a lifetime to experience at least a small percentage of the the possibilities. When I look at it this way what is on the supermarket shelves is extremely limited. So even though right now my choice might look limited, my overall diet opens up an unbelievable amount of choice.

Secondly I am excited about my journey into whole foods as I have seen some significant health benefits, (You can list these and they may be things like, reduced blood pressure, lower cholesterol, triglycerides and other markers, reduced weight, control or even reversal of chronic diseases you may have had in the past etc). 

Thirdly you can point out that as you have transitioned into whole foods your tastes have come alive and you are now enjoying food more than you ever have before. You can also say that because you enjoy your food so much you don’t want to change that by going back to processed foods.

Most importantly it is very important to say something like, because I have had such a wonderful and positive experience with my lifestyle change I am always happy to share what I know with anyone who is interested in making changes like this.  If you ever want to an know anything that I have experienced or learnt please let me know I will be happy to help.

That will leave the ball right in their court and this sort of answer will leave the listener in a positive state of mind and may allow you to share in the future with the listener the things that they can do to change their lifestyle. We just want to make one point here. Having the opportunity to help someone change their lifestyle can be one of the most rewarding things that you can do. We encourage you to try it, when you do you will not only make a friend for life but you will contribute to someone you know being healthy and through your help they will give themselves the best chance possible of keeping away the chronic modern day diseases. 

This week we added the following items to our web site.

Lifestyle Program Testimonial:
Stan & Noeline Harvey recently completed the Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle Program.
Click this link to read what an amazing change they have made to their lives and was they thought of the program.

Breaking News
A new shocking Australian Queensland Health report shows that 25% of all Queensland deaths are linked to weight. This obliterates societies perception of substances that cause early death like smoking, alcohol, drugs and even road deaths.
Click this link to read what is the underlying cause of early death in our society.

New Movie
Low Carb Diet: Fat or Fiction ABC Catalyst
Click here to watch what researchers say can reverse diabetes.
Australia’s ABC Catalyst one of the most respected science programs in the country explores the science behind these types of diets.

We have finally found the world simplest eating rule. If only everyone stuck to it we would do away with most chronic diseases.
Click here to see just how simple it is.


Joanne & Peter.

Newsletter No. 79 – 24/11/2014

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