On the 18/1/2013 the Australian Government through its National Health Research Council (NHMRC) released an update to the recommended diet for all Australians.

The following points should be noted

  1. Australia is facing an obesity epidemic
  2. A review of a massive 55,000 scientific publications were put under stringent review. It was established that there is a strong link between diet and health.
  3. The Evidence links a healthy diet and reducing the risk of chronic diseases including Type 2 Diabetes.
  4. It was suggested that we all need to limit energy rich, nutrient poor foods or junk foods.
  5. It was found that Australians should eat more fruit and vegetable, wholegrain cereals and core reduced dairy foods while limiting junk foods.

It is interesting watching this situation develop. On one hand the government is lobbied hard by the multinational, multi million dollar companies that produce factory food which delivers high doses of sugars, bad fats and salts with every meal. On the other hand the nation is becoming extremely unhealthy. A study recently showed that over 60% of Australians are overweight or obese. In this scenario diseases like Type 2 diabetes are at epidemic levels. This is costing the government hundreds of millions in health care.

Our health is our own personal responsibility and health starts in our kitchens and what we put in our mouths is our choice. When it comes to our health it should be not about minimising bad foods but eliminating them altogether. This would bring us back to a whole foods, as grown, unmodified foods diet. If all Australians consumed a diet free of processed foods and sugars the obesity epidemic and the diabetes epidemic would simply cease to exist.

Follow this link for the media release.