Are you an addict?

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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter 7/9/2015

Are you an addict?


A few years ago we wrote in one of our newsletters how the war on sugar has begun.

Just last night, SBS in Australia aired a movie “The sugar conspiracy” In this movie we say exactly how researchers are now saying that refined sugar is an addictive substance. It is now being compared to how the tobacco industry operated in the past. We were fascinated to watch a historic clip where so called experts sat in front of the American Government and one by one, they stated that they did not believe that nicotine was addictive.  The movie also presented some very damming evidence when it comes to what the sugar industry is doing today. They are actually using the playbook that the tobacco used many years ago. But what is the real story?  Here is as as we now understand it in point form.
1. Fructose can only be processed by the liver. Nothing else in our body can deal with this form of sugar.
2. Because of the high volume of sweeteners in our factory made foods we are ingesting unnaturally high amounts of this substance, causing fatty livers, people becoming overweight and ending up with all sorts of metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes.
3. It is now widely thought the people in the general population have a level of addiction to this substance.
4. Most people can tell if they do have an addiction by the way that they feel. If you have hunger pains, cravings for foods that you find hard to control, you are at risk and you may be dealing with a sugar addiction.
5. If you think that this does not apply to you then think again. It is worthwhile understanding what the facts are. If you do have some level of addiction you are most likely putting yourself at a very high risk of a whole range of lifestyle diseases including type 2 diabetes.

This week we added a video on the subject by doctor Nicole Avena. You will find it below. Why not watch this short video, it will give you many insights into understanding what is actually going on.

If you want to become sugar free and regain your health then why don’t you join a Diabetic Heath Clinic Lifestyle Program. We currently have two programs of offer.

  1. 23rd of September – conference call / on-line program. This is a program that you can attend from you own home. If is a free to join program because we currently have a limited amount of sponsored places available.
  2. 4th of October – Nambour QLD program. This is a program that will be run at a venue and this is a free community program.

Click here to register for one of these life changing programs

This week we added the following items to our web site:

New Video:

Info Graphic:

Kind Regards

Joanne & Peter Pratt.

PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider.

Newsletter No. 120 – 7/9/2015  

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