Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas

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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter 25/12/2015

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!


Santa Comming Down A ChimneyWe have no doubt that you noticed that our newsletter was delayed this week.  That is because we wanted to send it out during Christmas Day. We hope you are enjoying your time with your family and that you are also enjoying some wonderful foods. At the Diabetic Health Clinic we sincerely hope that this time of the year is truly special for you.

As we step into the few days between Christmas and new year we will all have an opportunity to reflect on the year that we are leaving behind. We will no doubt be thinking about our achievements, our failures, our fun times and our sad times, our challenges and how we overcame them and the things that just seemingly fell into our laps. Life is really like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get, or is it?

There is no doubt that there are things that we have no control over but there are many that we do have control over. Once of those things we we explicitly control is what goes into our mouth. When we think about it we do have absolute control over what we put in our mouth, well some people do.

Lats week we described what a sugar addiction is and how it feels like. Christmas day is one of those days where many people will say that they have overeaten and they will start to diet from tomorrow, but then they never do. The reason being is that they can’t as the sugar addiction rears its ugly head about every 4 hours. Then the eating process of the foods that satisfy the addiction begins, pastas, breads, chips, snacks and the list goes on. The very foods that are responsible for the onset of a variety of lifestyle diseases including type two diabetes. The question is what does it take to break the addiction? If only people knew how they could actually return to their normal weight and also keep the lifestyle diseases at bay.

We believe that there needs to be a few things that come together to make this happen and here they are in point form:

  1. A clear understanding of how our body reacts to these foods.
  2. How our modern medications work when a person ends up with a lifestyle diseases.
  3. How our modern day foods are made and why they cause these issues.
  4. Consider ways of going cold turkey on the addiction.
  5. Create a plan and then prepare for carrying it out.
  6. Have support structures in place as the process can be quite difficult.
  7. Carry out the lifestyle change and break the addiction.
  8. Learn to eat from the very start but this time eating the foods that improve health.
  9. Enjoy the rest of your life in a much healthier state and with much more energy.

At the Diabetic we would like to offer you the opportunity to change your life in a way that is so profound that it is hard to describe.

Our fist lifestyle change program for the year commences on the 27th of January 2016. This is a program that you can attend from the comfort of your own home as it is a On-line/Conference Call program. Registration is simple. Give yourself the present of a lifetime and register today.

Click this link to register

To learn more about  the program click this link 

This week we added the following to our web site:

Jeanette Battiato from Colyton, NSW, Australia has changed her life in a profound and powerful way. Click this link to see how she has been able get her life back. You can do the same!

How much sugar is in your drink? Today we have foods which are laced with mass amounts of refined sugars. Drinks are one of the worst offenders. Click here to see just how bad it really is.

Kind Regards

Joanne & Peter Pratt.

PS. If you have not joined us on social media then use the links below to like our page on your favorite social media provider.

Newsletter No. 134 – 25/12/2015

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