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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter
A hit below the belt!

We just cannot believe it. The deception that food companies use is hard to imagine. It is even harder to imagine that governments allow such deception. It is just madness. We are lost for words!
There is a sugar replacement substance called “Aspartame.” This is a nasty chemical which has been used in beverages and foods to replace the obvious villain “Sugar.” In this case it is maybe better the devil we know, because when you look at what Aspartame is and what it does, you start to ask why people would even consider putting in their mouth?
We have written plenty about this nasty sweetening chemical in the past, but now there is a new twist. A twist which we feel is a hit below the belt, and it’s a hard hit at that. This nasty chemical is now being marketed as amino-sweet. The reason? Well amino sounds like something that comes from amino acids, so it sounds perfectly natural. If you don’t know then you would not even think twice about it, and that is precisely what the food companies want.
Yes they want you to think that amino-sweet is a perfectly natural sweetener and that is is just fine to eat. We do know for a fact that aspartame can cause all sorts of issues like:
  • visual disturbances
  • mimics MS symptoms
  • headaches
  • neurological problems
  • seizures
  • cognitive problems 
  • can lead to some cancers

We are not sure about you but with a chemical that has these sort of horrific side effects, companies should be regulated against trickiness and deceit, and they should also be taken to task, to inform the consumer of the dangers when they add these sort of chemicals into the manufactured foods that they are trying to pass of as healthy.The question is what can you do? There is one thing that can make a huge impact. When you pick up a product in your local supermarket and it has this old chemical with this new name, ask for the store manager and have a go at them for stocking a product that has a dangerous chemical and is being passed of as healthy. If more people complained and created a problem for the stores, they would not stock it. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. As a consumer the least you deserve is to be told the truth in black and white!

This week we added the following items to our web site:
New Movie
Have you given up on why you can’t loose weight or why your sugar levels are out of control?
Aspartame, a dangerous artificial sweetener now has a new name and is being marketed a a natural sweetener. You you are being tricked by the food companies once again.

Click here to see the full picture!

Kind Regards,

Joanne & Peter.

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Newsletter No. 110 – 29/6/2015

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