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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter 13/7/2015

Sugar Makes People Fat!


This week we thought that we would return to the war on sugar. We are not sure if you have realised that the war is ramping up! Without fail every week there is something in the media that talks about sugar or should we say that dangers of sugar. It is being called the villain in today’s modern society, and given that we are in the midst of a worldwide obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemic there is no wonder that researchers are frantically scrambling to discover the cause.

Man+SugarThere is no doubt that verifying the issue via research is important as we can’t afford to get things wrong. We would however like you to think about a few things. It will no doubt start to crystallise in your mind as to what might be going on.

  1. Have you ever seen a person who only eats vegetables and grown foods that is overweight?
  2. Have you see anyone who eats only non processed foods and is overweight?
  3. Have you see anyone who gets stuck into the packaged supermarket foods who is overweight?

The question is why? Here is the equation.

When we consume processed foods, that is any foods that are assembled in a factory they do a few things. Firstly this type of food supplies you with a dosage of sugar in the form of, sugar, high fructose corn syrup or in the form of a simple carbs which metabolise into sugar extremely quickly after ingestion. Secondly it supplies you with virtually no nutrition. The result is simple. The body has to store the oversupply of energy, it does this by storing the energy in the sugar as fat, and hence we have the ever increasing waist lines. 

Secondly because of the lack of nutrition, it leaves our body starved of nutrients which means that the body is asking for more food and all we give it is the high sugar, low nutritional factory assembled foods, which again oversupply the sugar but leave our body starved of nutrients. 

This week we added a very interesting documentary from the UK. If you want it understand from a scientific point of view just what sugar is and what it does to our body then you need to watch it. When you do things will become very clear as to what is going on. You will find the documentary in the next section. Watch it and take note. You can change you health for the better!

This week we added the following to our web site:

New Documentary



  • Have you ever wondered what might happen to the Big Mac in the future? Given what these foods actually do to people, then it is possible that we will see packaging similar to cigarettes.
    Click through to get the full picture!


Joanne & Peter Pratt

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Newsletter No. 112 – 13/7/2015  

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