The love of breads & pastas!

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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter 7/12/2015

The love of breads & pastas?


Bread RollsAs we start wrapping up 2015 and we come to the final weeks of our last 2015 Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle programs, just like always we have a lot of people asking asking what about bread and what about pasta. Can I eat these? We would like to ask a question in relation to our apparent need to consume these foods. Why have these processed items become such a big part of our food intake? It seems that they have become almost irreplaceable. Why is that? Has it been great marketing or is there more to the picture?

Lets look at some facts.

  • Many people feel that when they have pasta or bread they feel satisfied.
  • Bread does not contain a lot of flavour
  • Pasta contains even less flavour
  • Many people cannot imagine life without these foods.

So why don’t we try and figure out what is going on. Firstly it needs to be clearly understood that both of these items are made from processed flower, in other words the wheat has been stripped and even in a case where it is wholemeal,  often things are added back in after it has been stripped to make it wholemeal. It is no longer natural.

PastaThe point is that all of these products metabolise into sugar extremely quickly. Take the usual two pieces of toast for breakfast. Within 4 minutes of ingesting them they are sugar and the two pieces will supply at east 8 teaspoons of sugar. Pasta is much the same.

Then think about this.  Take away what we put on the bread or into the pasta. How much taste have you got? These are products that satisfy something other than your taste buds. When you start to read the research on the addictiveness of sugar things might just start to become obvious. Breads and pastas are never thought of as sugar, ultimately after we swallow these foods that is exactly what they are. If the studies are correct regarding the addictiveness of sugar, and the data does show that it is just as addictive as cocaine, then maybe breads and pastas satisfy a need for more taste.

The compounding issue is that the onslaught of processed sugar into the body elevates insulin to unnaturally high levels in a unaturaly short space of time. The insulin removes the sugar from the blood stream in a unnaturally quick amount of time and stores it as fat leaving the person depleted of energy and reaching for the next sugar fix. Morning tea, ahh the doughnut!

So the question is should humans eat these foods? Now you know the answer. If you want to understand just how addictive sugar is then why don’t you have a look at Dr Pamela Peeke’s video which you will find below.

This week we added the following to our web site:

New Video:
Dr. Pamela Peeke talks about sugar addiction. This is a real issue for a huge percentage of the population. Now wonder people can’t give up the very foods that are making them sick.
Click this link to watch this important short video.


Kind Regards

Joanne & Peter Pratt.

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Newsletter No. 132 – 7/12/2015  

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