The Australian Health Star Rating system, does it work?

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Diabetic Health Clinic Newsletter 30/11/2015

The Australian Star Rating system, does it work?


A few weeks ago we published an editorial on the new Australian Food Star Health Rating System. We believe that this subject is so important that we are writing this news letter about the situation.

It wasn’t that long ago that the new system was launched and within just a few days it was taken down. The pressure from the food industry was so great that the government just simply caved in. Today it is back up and running but, does it work? What did the food industry achieve with this massive intervention?

The new star system tries to assess the components in foods and then based on what they are a star rating is calculated. The more stars the healthier it is, supposedly! Because the system has now been operation for a little while it is now becoming apparent just how ineffective it really is. The point here is that the system is trying to assess processed foods only. Society today has come to a point where people can’t even imagine eating foods that are not out of a packet. How the world has changed. We used to die from infectious diseases. We no longer worry about these as they in the main have been dealt with. Today we are dying from chronic or lifestyle diseases. This is predominantly because we have totally altered our food chain to the point where it is no longer recognisable when compared to our original non processed food diet.

The question is what happens when this star rating system is applied to natural foods which are by far the healthiest and best for us. From what we can see this is where it becomes ridiculous. Totally natural foods, the ones that are best for us often are given just one star. This is obviously a very sad situation as many people out there are confused.

If you would like to know more about how this works then we would encourage you to click on the new health star label and have a read of the editorial or click here. It will blow your mind.

Health Star RatingThis week we added the following to our web site:

New Recipe:
Extreme Taste Tomato Juice Recipe. This is a fantastic juice that is so tasty that it is hard to describe. You will have to try this one for yourself. Click this link to get your recipe.

If you were to create a epidemic of health how would you do it? Click here to get the rundown on how to make it happen!

Kind Regards

Joanne & Peter Pratt.

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Newsletter No. 131 – 30/11/2015  

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