Health survey shows that one quarter of Australian teenagers or overweight or obese


Obese TeenagerA new report by the Australian Cancer Council and National Heart Foundation has shown that teens are spending too much time in front of the television with 58 per cent of students having at least three televisions in their home and 40 per cent with video games in their bedrooms.

A quarter of male secondary students are overweight or obese, for female students, a fifth fall into this group.

In our modern day society children are spending huge amounts of time using or looking at screens which impacts on the level of physical activity in a very negative way.

Type two diabetes traditionally has been known as an adult onset disease, this has now changed as the disease is now common even in young children. This health report highlights the issues in regards to  diminishing physical activities and along with a society where processed foods, otherwise known as sugar loaded foods has created a recipe for the disaster that is unfolding now.

With such high levels of adolescent obesity it is obvious that all of these factors are coming together to create a new generation that is overweight or obese and unless there is a major turn around, they will be struggling into the future with the whole range of modern day chronic diseases most likely much earlier than generations before them. 

Follow this link to see the Cancer Council media release.

Follow this link to view how the ABC reported this story