Julie MironowiczThe Diabetic Health Clinic provides a lifestyle intervention program that is designed to help normalise blood sugar levels. A significant component of the suggested long term lifestyle modification is based on dietary change. For this reason it is important to have the professional input of a qualified nutritionist.

Julie is a holistic nutrition expert – Bachelor of Health Science, majoring in Nutritional Medicine at ECNH, Melbourne. She has been in the health industry for ten years, where she has been engaged in public speaking and running healthy cooking classes for the local community, and whose passion is empowering people to make ideal health choices.

During her pregnancy, she was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. This in turn, sparked a new found passion for prevention of this lifestyle disorder: using food as medicine. Initially, Julie was confused and angry as to why she had diabetes. This made her more determined to ‘beat’ it through lifestyle and healthy eating, which she often prescribed to her clients. This was the time to practice what she preached. The food choices she made each day allowed her to not have to take insulin and therefore spend less time at the diabetes clinic and have fewer complications during her baby’s delivery.

Gestational diabetes puts women at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 50%. Julie continues to make mindful choices of the foods she prepares, not only for herself, but for her whole family. She does not want herself or her family, to be a part of those statistics.

Julie believes that we should not underestimate the effects of our food choices and that we need to be more thoughtful in our buying and eating habits, be better informed about our bodies and armed with skills to make it all taste good.

Julie assesses all dietary advise that is presented during the “Diabetic Health Clinic Lifestyle” program and on the Diabetic Health Clinic web site to ensure that while consuming as grown, whole food meals the optimal balance of nutrients, minerals and vitamins can be achieved.

Julie also runs her own blog that is a wealth of information.  Click here to visit Julie’s “Radish & Pear” blog.