Australian Soft Drinks Contain More Sugar


A new study has uncovered that soft drinks in Australia contain more sugar than Us sodas. Higher levels of glucose is directly linked to the worldwide obesity epidemicl and with the onset of diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

A study which measured soft drinks sugar levels internationally and was published in the Medical Journal of Australia has found that that several popular Australian brands contain 22% more glucose than their US counterparts.

There is now sufficient data to show that there is a clear link between the consumption of glucose and obesity rates including obesity related diseases. It is hard to imagine why Australian drinks are loaded with more sugar than elsewhere. With the extremely high obesity rates here in Australia the government should be stepping out and sorting out this terrible situation.

The current situation with obesity levels in Australia is now considered to be an epidemic with 63% of all adults either overweight or obese. Currently around 25% of all children are obese or overweight.

Link to the Published study in the Medical Journal of Australia.

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