A new study published by JAMA “The Journal of the American Medical Association paints an extremely grim picture for China.

China is now officially in the grips of a diabetic epidemic that is spiralling out of control.

Interestingly since the recent introduction of western foods the diabetic crisis has come to a point where the disease levels are eclipsing US figures.

It has been found that the Chinese develop the disease at a lower body mass index.

  1. Here are some facts:
  2. 11.6% of adults or 114 million people have the disease
  3. The epidemic will only get worse with 40% of 18 – 29 year olds on the verge of developing type 2 diabetes
  4. China is now amongst the countries in Asia with the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes.
  5. Poor nutrition or high energy low nutrition foods (Processed Foods) are being blamed for the onset of type 2 diabetes in China.

“Diabetes in China has become a catastrophe,” said Paul Zimmet, honorary president of the International Diabetes Federation and director emeritus of the BakerIDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne. “The booming economy in China has brought with it a medical problem which could bankrupt the health system. The big question is the capacity in China to deal with a health problem of such magnitude.”

It is now very clear that type 2 diabetes is a global health issue. Any country where processed foods become the foods of choice is dealing with obesity and an explosion of lifestyle diseases including type 2 diabetes. A return to an as grown whole foods diet is crucial in the reversal of these trends.

Follow this link to view the Bloomberg report on this story.

Follow this link to view the abstract of the AMA study.